toddler dress up storage- amy+mayd
If you are a mom of a little girl then you may understand this pressing need I have to share. How do you find toddler dress up storage? Where do you put wands, crowns, purses and all of those TUTU’s??? I didn’t know that little girls accumulate so much dress up gear by age two! As part of my series on organization I am going to tell you what I decided to do.
After my daughter turned about 18 months I noticed dress up attire starting to spill out of her closet, like literally tutu’s were falling on my head from her top shelf. I finally decided I had to put all of this somewhere. Caveat- I do daydream of a glorious empty space with a big dress up trunk in the middle of an empty room full of windows with awesome daylight, kinda like the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, but right now we just don’t have the space, so what’s a momma to do???

toddler dress up storage- amy+mayd
Well, I’ve learned that a lot of dilemmas can be solved with a quick trip to target and that is where I found the answer to my tutu avalanche. It just so happens that this storage bin was only $10 bucks and fits perfectly under my daughter’s toddler bed. Serendipitous? For. Sure. Here is how I organized our dress up frenzy into a neat and (somewhat) orderly storage miracle.

toddler dress up storage- amy+mayd
This toddler dress up storage bin can work for many other toddler storage needs as well like off season clothing, rotating toys, seasonal wear (jackets hats and scarves) and helps save space if things are tight. And bonus, now your toddler can’t stuff a bunch of junk under their bed! What do you need organized? Would a toddler storage bin help?
{P.S. I’m pretty sure this can work for grown up dress up storage under your bed as well… I’m thinking shoes, off season clothes, maternity wear, purses, scarves and hats… etc. }
Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
Have a nice day!
Hi Amy!
I think your site is so cute! I’d like you to know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award! To find out more, please check out my latest post here:
Take care!
Andrea @ Cloud Nine Chic
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