felt flower clothespins- amy+mayd
I came up with another use for felt flowers! Gemma and I like to do a lot of painting and I like to keep as many of her art pieces as I can but then there becomes the isuue of where do you put it all? So I created a simple string in our playroom (made by attaching yarn to pushpins) that I could clip it all onto. I still need to photograph the playroom to show how we completed the entire room makeover with an up close look on this project; I am hoping to complete these photos and the nursery ones this weekend.

felt flower clothespins- amy+mayd
In order to hang Gemma’s art on the string, I came up with these cool felt flower clothespins! Felt flowers and petals can simply be attached to wooden clothespins with a bit of hot glue. I used the dahlia tutorial from It’s the little things to make the yellow petals and I made some rose petals and rolled them together for some smaller pink flowers. I really like the result!

felt flower clothespins- amy+mayd
These clothespins could also be cute in the nursery to hang special onesies on!

felt flower clothespins- amy+mayd
I have decided to carry them in my etsy shop as well because I think they would make a great baby gift accessory!

felt flower clothespins- amy+mayd
How do you store your child’s art? Or your own art?
Hi Amy-So glad you stopped in from SITS. Love your site! Also love this idea on showing off art and cute onesies with the fabric flower clothes pins. Cute idea!! Thanks again for stopping in and linking up!! Jen
Thanks Jennifer! Love your site as well! Look forward to linking together in the future!
Love this! I am a bit obsessed with fabric flowers too! I actually have to admit I have a whole board for them on Pinterest haha! Great idea!
Thanks Kimber! I am going to jump over and check out that board on pinterest!