Spain travel sketch- amy+mayd
Six years ago, I had the pleasure of vacationing in Spain with my girlfriends and my sister as a celebration for our college graduations. It was an awesome trip and I can hardly believe it’s been six years, yikes! One of the great things that we got to do while there was relax and learn a little about the Spanish culture. One day we spent an afternoon tasting and learning an authentic Spanish sangria recipe. I have a few sketches from that day and one of them has some of the recipe on it but a part of it is missing. So after doing some research and filling in the blanks, this is the sangria recipe that I have pieced back together. A word to the wise, sangria is VERY strong… and fun.. but be careful while sipping in the sun.
Spanish Sangria Recipe
- 1 bottle Red Wine
- 1/2 c Brandy
- 1/2 c Orange Liquor (Cointreau)
- 1/2 c Peach or Apple Schnapps
- 2 c Fanta Limon
- 1/2 c Orange Juice
- 1 lemon, sliced into rounds
- 1 orange, sliced into rounds
- 1 lime, sliced into rounds
- 1/4 cup white sugar (optional)

Spain travel photo- amy+mayd
Can’t wait to revisit this recipe and see how it is! You can try it for me if you like sangria and have some time.

Spain travel photo- amy+mayd
Have you travelled abroad? Did you learn any cool recipes? And if you haven’t travelled abroad yet, where would be your ideal destination?
So excited you posted this! I’ve been wishing I’d written this recipe down for years. Can’t wait to “revisit” it together someday!
Yes! I can’t wait either! Try it out for me and let me know if it needs tweaking would you? 🙂