DIY wagon parking sign- amy+mayd
We have three wagons, two large ones and one doll sized one. Anyhow, I was inspired to make this little parking sign because I thought it would be funny to have a designated “wagon parking” area in our yard. After doing a little research, I found this printable pdf on a blog called just something I made. This blog is pretty cool because the owner Cathe has lots of great ideas and printable graphics. Check it out if you get a chance.
Here is what you will need to make this sign for your yard:
- block of wood in preferred size, I used 6″x9″
- printable pdf here
- mod podge
- photo paper
- paint brush
- sand paper
- black acrylic paint
- eye hooks
- chain to hang it with
- scissors

Here is the how to:
1. size printable pdf to match your piece of wood
2. print wagon pdf on photo paper, cut to size
3. paint block of wood with mod podge and lay photo paper on block of wood to affix, smooth out air bubbles and let dry
4. use sandpaper to rough up edges of print
5. paint black acrylic paint on edge, let dry
6. attach eye hooks, paint black (optional)
7. attach chain
And that’s it! This project is similar to other signs I have made and this process is a pretty cool way of getting your photo onto wood to create a sign. Hope you are all having a great week! Feel free to send in any questions or comments!
Any ideas for handmade signs?