Alright, its been two weeks since Summer has been born and my husband is back to work today and I am without that extra set of hands. I have been silently plotting what my days will be like with two kids in tow for the passed few weeks and trying to think of a schedule in my head. I know it’s not going to be too easy at the beginning though I am pleasantly surprised at how smoothly things have been going thus far. (fingers crossed)
I know that my biggest hurdle is not going to be balancing diaper changes and breastfeeding on the go, I have done that and feel fairly confident about those roles… it’s going to be creating a sense of normalcy for my active toddler Gemma. The thing is, it’s hot where we live, super-duper over 100 degrees hot! Usually this is not a huge issue because I can take Gemma to the water park or swimming or to shady parks for a few hours in the morning. Now that Summer has arrived, however, it is going to be a bit more challenging because that weather is just not suitable for a newborn yet Gemma cannot possibly stay inside all day…. any of you who have a two-year-old know that that is a recipe for pure chaos and disaster!
So, I am trying to come up with a schedule that incorporates learning activities for my 2yo, morning outdoor play and some fun indoor activities that can keep her busy body entertained at the same time that I can care for our newborn. This is no easy task and I know it’s going to take a few months to get into some sort of rhythm but I am hopeful that at least making a schedule will be a step in the right direction. To be honest, I know we won’t follow it every day but if we can at least try than our days won’t turn into chaotic, disorganized messes where we accomplish nothing.
Here is what I have come up with on a broad scale, a schedule that outlines the basic day time activities that need to be accomplished. I have left out feedings and diaper changes because there are too many of these to write out and I know they will just have to occur simultaneously to everything else.

daily schedule- amy+mayd
I know this will not work for every single day but it is at least a basic guideline. So what are the morning and afternoon activities that Gemma and I will be working on with Summer along for the ride? This is another schedule I came up with to cycle in some broad ideas of what we can do each day. Some of the activities are simply a walk to the park while some are more educational and involve an art activity, music activity and reading. I also included a few practical items like “errands” and “clean house” because these are inevitable and need allotted time as well.

two-week schedule- amy+mayd
I hope the next few months go rather smoothly and we can get to some of these activities! Can you tell I love making lists?
How do you keep your family organized? Any tips for juggling two kiddos?
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