DIY star sign wall art- amy+mayd
Do you believe in horoscopes? I think I kind of do. Most that I read are spot on, especially when looking up someone’s sign. I still have some major scepticism but they are entertaining for sure and I am not gonna lie, I read mine all the time, just to see what’s in store. Anyway, I am sure many of you have seen these beautifully designed star sign graphics floating around the internet, well since they are so readily available and so cool, (find yours by doing a google image search) I decided to make a little art piece for each of my daughters, displaying their sign characteristics.
Here is what you will need:
- 4×6 block of wood
- two eye hooks
- one yard of ribbon
- print out of your sign
- scissors
- mod podge
- medium grit sandpaper
- acrylic paint
- paintbrush (one small, one large)
- newspaper or something you can craft on

DIY star sign wall art- amy+mayd
1. Print your star sign graphic to 4×6 size on either cardstock or photo paper and cut out.

DIY star sign wall art- amy+mayd
2. Use a large paintbrush to apply an even coat of mod podge to your wood block. Press your print firmly on wood block and let dry for a few hours.

DIY star sign wall art- amy+mayd
3. Use medium grit sandpaper to rough up the edges of your print.

DIY star sign wall art- amy+mayd
4. Use your small paintbrush and some acrylic paint to trim out your sign. Let dry.
**At this point, you may choose to add a layer of mod podge over the entire wood block to seal it. For this particular project I did not because my photo paper was so glossy.

DIY star sign wall art- amy+mayd
5. Screw in eye hooks, evenly spaced to the top of your wood block.

DIY star sign wall art- amy+mayd
6. Attach ribbon and you are ready to hang your art!
What do you think of this project? I think it is pretty simple and turned out pretty cute. Do you believe in horoscopes?