I started writing in a journal when I was a kid and have always found it therapeutic. It’s good to get your thoughts out and somehow writing them down makes it easy to move forward with life, gives you peace and … Continue reading
I started writing in a journal when I was a kid and have always found it therapeutic. It’s good to get your thoughts out and somehow writing them down makes it easy to move forward with life, gives you peace and … Continue reading
A common misconception is that book cases and shelves are intended only for books. Most of us like reading, or at least looking at pictures, but most people do not have a full on library in their home and often … Continue reading
so this is going to be my first post on my new amy+mayd blog! yay! to be honest, I love writing but I have found it hard to be so candid with my life online because it is unnatural to me to let people in to such a deep place. I feel though that to produce a good blog you have to be vulnerable to your community… so here goes.
amy+mayd is a name that encompasses both my name Amy and the things that I make. I find inspiration in many different areas but currently I am finding a lot of inspiration through my daughter. She is my first and she will be one Nov. 3rd. This year has been such a source of growth for me.
my goal with my blog, being the type-a that I am (must have goals and plans..haha) is to show the sources that drive my work featured on my new site amymayd (giant thanks to my very talented husband for building my site for me and putting up with all of my requests!)
my “amy+weekly” page is going to be a way for me to track the current projects I am working on and the “amy+loves” page will encompass sites, blog posts and other crafters information that I am loving!