The best way to add color to any room is in bits and pieces. Check out how this bucket sets this counter top apart as country and unique. Using bright and unexpected colors but sparsely is the way to go. Adding too little color can leave your rooms boring and without any character, but color is all about balance because adding too much can be completely overwhelming. The key is to start slowly by adding objects in hues that you like. Each object should fit with the others in a complementary tone. If the thought crosses your mind: “this piece seems off or just doesn’t fit” chances are your instinct is right. The piece may be wonderful in a different area of your home however, so don’t discredit yourself….just move forward and try different spots until something sticks.
Another example of a great use of color is this mason jar vase and towel hook, it demonstrates how to add variety and color through utilitarian items such as dish towels. Every piece of a room can become part of the ‘soul’ or defining character of the room by creating a rythem. For more ideas of introducing color and rustic pieces into a kitchen check out this image collection I put together: