Last Sunday, I realized our playroom had become out of control. So I did a quick two-hour playroom cleanup on it and reorganized all of our toys. I moved a lot of the currently unpopular toys and infant toys into the girls’ room. I think it is a good idea to cycle in and out toys so that Gemma gets a boosted interest in different toys at different times. The same is true with the room itself. It felt so overloaded and cluttered. So here are the before and after pics.. the room is working so much better for us this week.. no fears of tripping or rifling through things to find one toy. I even set up the west side of the room as a little house area for Gemma and she is loving it.

playroom before- amy+mayd

playroom before- amy+mayd

playroom before- amy+mayd

playroom after- amy+mayd

playroom after- amy+mayd
I definitely had the number one design problem going on in this room! Glad it’s cleaned up. I guess you don’t notice the clutter when you’re busy living life.
Could a two-hour cleanup work on a room in your house?