DIY string monogram art- amy+mayd
Here is a fun project creating your own DIY string monogram art. I made one of these for my nursery (above) and recently made one for a friend for her nursery as well. An initial or monogram would look cute in a living room wall frame collage or in a kitchen too. This project is really simple and has a lot of room for creativity. You can vary the background scrapbook paper, the way you string the embroidery thread and add multiple colors. You could even write a whole word with this technique by using nails on a wall instead of pins in a frame. To make your own DIY string monogram art here’s what you’ll need:
- Shadow-box frame, with or without glass
- white glue
- cork backing, if your shadow-box doesn’t have any
- pushpins
- embroidery thread in one or multiple colors
- wire cutters
- scrapbook paper
- printout of your letter in a fun font
- scissors
- tape
The how to:
1. print out your letter(s) to size
2. attach cork to your shadow-box background to size with white glue, let dry
3. attach scrapbook paper to size over cork with white glue or tape
4. lay printout of letter in desired location and begin to arrange pins at corner locations
5. remove pins and print-out
6. cut pins to size with wire cutters if they are too tall (like mine were)
7. replace pins in original holes (should be rather obvious in scrapbook paper)
8. unwind embroidery thread of desired color and tie one end very tight to first pin (I start at top left)
9. wind around outside and inside of pins to hold thread in place
10. tie off when you have about five layers
11. at this point your initial will be finished but you could add another thread color in the same fashion or you could start another color and wind it through the inside of the initial haphazardly to create a cool weave. This is where you can get really creative.
So what do you think? Pretty simple right?
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