What defines a city? Is it the people, the architecture, the items, the community? The culture it all creates? Here are a few etsy items that define my version of vintage city life and if you would like to … Continue reading
Category Archives: inspiration
ghost buildings, they aren’t scary
Last week, I started blogging a little bit about Architectural Ruins and this week I would like to share with you some photography by Jose Antonio Millan entitled Ghost Buildings that I have come across while further researching this very interesting and open-ended genre of architecture. I am so intrigued by these spaces because they are such large portraits of history, building technique and immense thought process– in short, they house an untold story.
In these photographs, Millan brilliantly captures what was and what could have been in otherwise abandoned and uninhabited architecture. Dilapidated buildings offer so many questions and can often be stark reminders of a time and life that once was.
Here lies the place where color, texture and wear converge from the inside out and this can seem daunting, frightening and undesirable.. or it can be seen as art such as captured by Millan. I see this kind of architecture in cities all over the world, what once was new and shiny now stands abandoned as a reminder of failure, of closed doors, but it could also be a simple suggestion of hope.
Do ruins intrigue anyone else? If so, why? I am really seeking some input on this topic, it is so fascinating.
clever reclaimed wood installations
I was searching through etsy shops for some wonderful inspiration and I found it. I have to admit I have a soft spot in my heart for most anything upcylced, reused, or reclaimed and here I will feature a few great … Continue reading
architectural graveyard, it’s not ruined
Some of my favorite architectural spaces are ruins. I have been contemplating why, lately, and I think the reason lies in the way the Earth takes back its space so there exists in one moment, two distinct pulls, that of … Continue reading
repurpose scrap metal for a fresh outdoor life
When you have scrap metal it is hard to think of new purposes for it.. I’ll admit this is a rare occasion for me however, the projects I have found and contain in this post are inspiring me to possibly … Continue reading
how to repurpose an old canvas painting into new art
If you have a canvas that you painted that you aren’t really digging (this happens to me now and again) here is a project that can help you reuse that canvas in an easy way to make a new art … Continue reading
growing an unusual garden
The garden of my dreams would incorporate unusual, eccentric and totally original art like these pieces. How amazing is this “cranium garden”? Check out this great urban project in Peru… talk about a pedestrian celebration. These tires are both a … Continue reading
happy Easter everyone!
Easter Sunday is one of my favorite days and the weather is supposed to be great where I am today so I am excited! I researched a couple of cute Easter table ideas for a little inspiration just in case … Continue reading
how to love your small house
My last post posed the question does a small house make for a big life? The response I got to this post was great and so I think I will try to expand on it a bit. For today’s thought I would like to … Continue reading
Does a small house make for a big life?
One of my friends recently brought up a great point, she says she loved growing up with a big family (5 kids and about 7 dogs) in a small house. In the new age of burst bubbles made of million … Continue reading