Last weekend, the girls and I put together this package for a friend’s birthday present. It was a fun and easy project and now I’m working on a few more –one for our house and some for gifts. If you … Continue reading
Last weekend, the girls and I put together this package for a friend’s birthday present. It was a fun and easy project and now I’m working on a few more –one for our house and some for gifts. If you … Continue reading
This is a project Gemma and I did on Valentines day, tissue paper votives, but it could be done anytime with different color schemes. Super simple but requires a little mommy help because of the glass. We used small tissue … Continue reading
I’ve been wanting to make a felt flower crown for Gemma for a long time so I finally gave it a try! I used a simple women’s headband that I already had and some felt in various colors. Before I … Continue reading
Remember the days of cutting hearts out of construction paper? And lets not forget the stapled together envelopes that would hold all of your Valentines in class. Well, Gemma and I did some Valentines day card crafting of our own … Continue reading
My oldest loves to play birthday. Anything related to making birthday cakes, real or play dough she’s game. We also like to have ourselves quite a few tea parties and picnics. Since she loves birthday cakes so much I decided … Continue reading
When I was five, my kindergarten class made cinnamon dough ornaments and my mother still has them! And they still smell like cinnamon after 25 years! Every year, when we get out the Christmas ornaments at my parents’ house the … Continue reading
Here is an article published last week on Hellobee! My oldest moved around in my belly so much that I used to tell Mr. P “something isn’t right,” and called the doctor a few times scared of my daughter’s frantic … Continue reading
We did this little DIY clay creations project on Friday after I attempted a run around our neighborhood. Along the way we stopped and picked up a few things like we did the day of our scavenger hunt with our … Continue reading
Here is a fun project creating your own DIY string monogram art. I made one of these for my nursery (above) and recently made one for a friend for her nursery as well. An initial or monogram would look cute … Continue reading
I’ve been wanting to try a toddler dress version of the maxi dress tutorial I posted last month and having exhausted my “to- do before baby” list, I gave it a shot yesterday! I think it turned out pretty darn … Continue reading