The best home decor is something that reflects your personal style and what more reflects your style than your travel photography? If you have cool, colorful shots from a travel destination, blow them up to an 8×10 or 11×14 size … Continue reading
The best home decor is something that reflects your personal style and what more reflects your style than your travel photography? If you have cool, colorful shots from a travel destination, blow them up to an 8×10 or 11×14 size … Continue reading
So what can you do if a cabinet you love has a door with a broken piece of glass? Or what happens if you find a piece of furniture you love but the glass is not up to par? I … Continue reading
A tray is a great addition to almost any tabletop. It adds instant storage and dynamic to an otherwise flat tabletop. You can use a simple tray, like one of these, to not only serve food in the traditional sense … Continue reading
A common misconception is that book cases and shelves are intended only for books. Most of us like reading, or at least looking at pictures, but most people do not have a full on library in their home and often … Continue reading
I really like shower curtains in a standard bathroom, shower/tub combo. The reason being is I think they look cleaner, more modern and more relaxed than glass sliding doors. This is one of the easiest weekend projects you can tackle … Continue reading
It can sometimes be tricky to get that perfect piece of art or brilliant photo onto your wall in a way that is attractive, level and meshed correctly with your other perfect pieces. Here are some simple tips for creating … Continue reading
A statement piece is the object that all design in a room or quite possibly an entire thought of architecture can be derived and developed from. These paintings by Sharon Cummings are truly beautiful pieces of work and I can see … Continue reading
tis the season for buying and if you have a few new moms on your list or are heading to a baby shower anytime soon I have a few ideas for you. By far my top… can’t live without through … Continue reading
I want to quickly share my top five tips and tricks of using coupons. There is a lot you can learn about couponing but I think these five tips will help you save loads of money if you use them correctly:
1. Read the coupon…
Don’t just look at the picture on the coupon (which may indicate a specific product) oftentimes a coupon will encompass a broad range of a brand’s particular products while the coupon image may just be the latest product of the brand.
2. Combine coupon’s with store sales…
To save extra money compare weekly sale ads at several different stores and look for items you want on sale. Combining a coupon and a sale saves you loads of money.
3. You can use two coupons at once….sometimes…
You can use a manufacturer’s coupon and a store’s coupon on one item. For instance, you can use a target coupon and a manufacturer’s coupon on one item. You CAN NOT use two manufacturer’s coupons on one item (you can use them on two items) or two store coupons on one item.
4. BOGO’s are awesome…
Buy One Get One free deals are amazing because… you can use one manufacturer’s coupon/store coupon on each product… yes you read that correctly….you can use a coupon on a product you got for free as your ‘get one’ thus bringing your entire purchase total down even more. And if you are an extreme couponer, this means….. making money (store credit)!!!
5. Tricky advertising…
You can use a manufacturer’s coupon anywhere… I asked this question today when using a manufacturer’s coupon (label is always at the top by the expiration date) at a store that was not advertised on the coupon. So what I am saying is the coupon said “redeemable at xyz store” well this is not a mandate… it is an advertisement ploy to get you to use your coupon at the store you most likely received it from. Some stores even accept their competitors coupons as well. Meaning you would be able to use a store coupon (different from a manufacturer’s coupon) at a different store. Check with your store first.
Coupons can be tricky but if you know what you are doing they can be amazing!! think of them as monopoly money that helps your money stretch further… and who couldn’t appreciate that?